GY-80 BMP085 nine-axis IMU magnetic acceleration gyroscopes atmospheric module

GY-80 BMP085 nine-axis IMU magnetic acceleration gyroscopes atmospheric module Nine shaft module (three axis gyro + three axis acceleration + 3 axis magnetic field + pressure) Use chip: L3G4200D + ADXL345 + HMC5883L + BMP085 The power supply: 3-5 v Communication: IIC communication protocol (fully compatible 3-5 v system) Module size: 25.8 mm * 16.8 Read more about GY-80 BMP085 nine-axis IMU magnetic acceleration gyroscopes atmospheric module[…]

MPU9150 9 Axis Accelerometer 9DOF Gyroscope Magnetic Field Sensor Module

9 Axis Accelerometer 9DOF Gyroscope Magnetic Field Sensor Module The MPU-9150 is a System in Package (SiP) that combines two chips: the MPU-6050, which contains a 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer, and an onboard Digital Motion Processor (DMP) capable of processing complex 9-axis MotionFusion algorithms; and the AK8975, a 3-axis digital compass. The part’s integrated 9-axis Read more about MPU9150 9 Axis Accelerometer 9DOF Gyroscope Magnetic Field Sensor Module[…]