SD Card Reader SPI / Writer Module Slot Socket For Arduino ARM MCU
- This SD Card Reader/Writer is ideal for many Micro-controller projects (Arduino, Pic, Versalino, etc…)
- Including (but not limited to) projects involving sensor and other data logging activities.
- Audio playing and/or recording.
- Video, Image, and other multimedia storage and retrieval for advanced embedded applications. Processing large quantities of data with a robot, or storing/retrieving items larger than the limited memory available on your microprocessor.
This can be used for a broad range of applications from scientific data collection for biological/geological and other statistical studies in the field, to storing map data for your robots surroundings in and outside the home.
- Arduino, STM32, MSP430 or 8051 microcontroller connected SD card reader
- Easy to wire to any Microcontroller that has SPI support
- Easy to use examples, and instant compatability with the built in Arduino library
- Working Voltage 3.3 & 5V
Technical Specifications:
- Working Voltage : 3.3 & 5V(DC Both required)
- Requires SPI Capable Microprocessor
- Size limitations are library dependent, but most microprocessors have libraries pre-coded that will support sizes upward of 1GB
- 7 wires required (including power and ground)
- Fits standard size SD Cards
- GND – Ground
- +3.3v – 3.3V Power
- +5v – 5V Power
- CS – Chip Select
- MOSI – Serial data in
- SCK – Serial Clock
- MISO – Serial data Out
- GND – Ground